Savings help and guidance

Savings calculator. Easy as 1, 2, 3.

With our savings calculator you can find out how much you need to put away each month to reach your savings target or calculate the future value of your savings. You can also work out how long it will take you to hit your goal.

Savings calculator

Setting up standing orders

You can easily set up regular payments into your savings account so you don’t need to remember to save.

How to set up standing orders

Do I need to pay tax on savings interest?

The government set limits on how much interest you can earn on your savings before you need to pay tax. Learn more:

Tax on savings interest

Your personal savings allowance

ISA allowances explained

Savings tips

We've put together some ideas, which should help you on your way to a healthy savings future.

Read our savings tips


Confused by all savings lingo? Our savings glossary demystifies everything from 'AER' to 'withdrawals'.

Our glossary

Charges & withdrawals

Find out about the charges and withdrawal information that applies to your Halifax savings account.

View our account charges

Non-UK residents

Information for Halifax savings customers that live outside the UK.

Overseas customers Information for overseas customers

Track down an account

If you think you may have an old savings account with Halifax, we may be able to help you find it.

Find an unclaimed account

Close your savings account

If you wish to close your Halifax savings account, we have information to show you how to do it.

How to close a savings account

How to rename your accounts

Renaming your accounts is a great way to separate your savings and get organised.

How to rename your accounts

Savings articles

Fill your head with interesting facts and knowledge with our savings articles. 

See our articles