View or cancel a Direct Debit

You can do this online

  • See a list of all your regular payments on your phone, tablet or web browser.
  • See how much the last payment was for and when the next one is due.
  • Cancel any payments you no longer need.

You should always tell the company you’re paying if you cancel a direct debit.

If you cancel a direct debit that’s due in the next 2 days, it may still leave your account.

How to do it

Let us show you step by step.

    1. Sign in and select More actions from your account.
    2. Select Direct Debits & standing orders. Then select Manage Direct Debits. This will open a list of your regular payments.
    3. Find the direct debit you want to cancel. Select the Cancel button next to it.
    4. Re-enter your password when prompted. You’ll see a message letting you know your direct debit has been deleted. Remember to tell the company you’ve cancelled your payment.
  1. Log in, choose the account and then select the three-dot menu. 
  2. Select Regular Payments. This will open a list of all your regular payments.
  3. Find the direct debit you want to cancel. Then select the Delete button next it.
  4. Confirm you want to go ahead. You’ll see a message letting you know your direct debit has been deleted. Remember to tell the company you’ve cancelled your payment.

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Let’s take a closer look

  • Types of regular payment

    • Direct Debits, standing orders and subscriptions are all used to pay bills or move money on a regular basis.
    • You can view and manage them in the app or Online Banking.

    Regular payment type

    What it is

    Used for things like

    See these guides

    Regular payment type

    Direct Debit

    What it is

    • Lets a company take money from your account.
    • The amount can go up or down depending on how large the bill is.

    Used for things like

    • Utility bills.
    • Gym memberships.
    • Mobile phone contracts.

    See these guides

    Regular payment type

    Standing order

    What it is

    • Lets you send a set amount of money to another account.
    • You control the amount of money you send.

    Used for things like

    • Moving money to a savings account.
    • Paying someone in your family.

    See these guides

    Regular payment type

    Subscription payment

    What it is

    • Lets a company charge your debit or credit card.
    • The amount can be the same each time, or can go up and down.

    Used for things like

    • Music and video streaming.
    • Food memberships.

    See these guides

  • You don’t need to tell your bank when you set up a direct debit. You create it directly with the company you want to pay.

    You can usually do this over the phone, online or through the post. They'll need to know:

    • your name and address
    • your account number and sort code
    • the name and address of your bank. 

    The company may ask you to fill in a direct debit form. If you set up the direct debit over the phone or online, you should receive confirmation in writing.

  • Sometimes you may need to tell the company you're paying about changes to your account. These can include:

    • if you change your legal name
    • when you open a new account without using a switching service.

     It’s important to update your direct debit details if this happens so the payment goes through as normal.

    If you set up a new bank account using a switching service, you don't need to do anything. Your direct debits move over to your new account automatically.

    To make any other changes, such as changing the payment date, you'll need to contact the company you're paying.

  • Your agreed payment date

    You usually choose the date your direct debit will come out when you set it up.

    Bank holidays and weekends

    If the payment date falls on a weekend or on a bank holiday, the company will take it on the next working day. There's no need to worry about late payment fees or changing your direct debit date. This happens automatically.

    Payment timescales

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Search transactions, see upcoming payments, find out where payments were made and so much more.

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More help with payments

Track down regular payments, share your bank details or pay in a cheque on your phone.

See our guides

More help with payments

Track down regular payments, share your bank details or pay in a cheque on your phone.

See our guides