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Thinking about applying for credit? Check Your Credit Score for free, with no impact on your credit file.
Accounts & calculators
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Worried about paying your mortgage? We have various ways that we can help you.
Accounts & ISAs
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Already insured with us?
Help with existing home insurance
Help with your existing car insurance
Help with your existing life insurance
Home insurance is 10% cheaper with Halifax when you get a quote and buy online.
Let us know your savings target and we'll work out how much you need to save each month to get there.
Please check the numbers, so we can calculate your result.
Based on these details we estimate that you need to save ##fred## every month to reach your savings goal.
Please use the calculation as an estimate. It does not include interest you would earn over time.
Compare our savings accounts
See our savings tips and tools
Set up a standing order
Set up Save the Change®
Work out the time it will take you to reach your goal or calculate how much you need to put away each month to hit your target amount.
How long will it take?
How much do I need to save?
How much should I save for a rainy day?
Our straight-forward options could provide a higher return than saving. Choose from our three ready-made funds and let the experts do the rest.