Boost your summer safety

Use our handy tips to keep your home and belongings safe while you’re enjoying the sunshine and brighter evenings.

Fire and barbecue safety

Over the warmer months, we tend to see an increase in fire claims. To help you stay safe, here are some things you could do to avoid fire related incidents.

Check the weather forecast

Has it been hot and dry? If so, grass and other plants could catch fire easily. And remember, strong winds could cause a small fire to spread quickly.

Find the perfect spot

Stay away from fences, sheds, trees, and grass.


Make sure you’re prepared with a bucket of water

Having one nearby means you could put out the flames if things start to go wrong.


Never leave a fire unattended

Things could get out of hand quickly, so always have someone watching your barbecue or fire.

Don’t let children and pets get too close

Keep them away from the flames and cooking area, so they don’t get hurt.


Clean up responsibly

Did you know that barbecues, coals and ashes can stay hot for hours and could easily set bins, bags or grass on fire? Put water on any ashes to make sure they are out properly before you dispose of them.

Be carbon monoxide aware

Fires and barbecues could make fumes that last long after the flames have gone out. That's why you should never bring them inside or into an enclosed space.



A helping hand

A fire damaged Mrs Smith’s home, but our home insurance was there to help. Watch our video to see what happened and get tips on keeping your home safe (52 secs).

The power of home insurance (PDF, 566kb)

Going away? Protect your home from unwanted visitors

If you’re heading off on holiday or even just a day trip, follow these tips to help keep your home safe from unwelcome attention and avoidable incidents. Please remember to tell us if you're going to leave your home empty for longer than the agreed period.

Invest in a burglar alarm and test it often

A good quality alarm could make unwanted visitors think twice about breaking in.

Hide your valuables

Don’t leave anything of value in sight of your windows as it could encourage a burglar to enter your home.

Check your shed and don’t keep ladders in the garden

Make sure you lock your shed to keep your things safe. Don’t keep ladders in the garden. If you must, make sure you lock them to something fixed to stop someone using them to break into your home.

Have you double checked your doors and windows?

It’s important to make sure they’re shut and locked before you head off. Don’t forget to take your keys out of the locks too (and keep them out of easy reach of burglars).

Don’t advertise your empty home

It can be fun to post holiday snaps online while you’re away, but it’s best to wait until you’re back to share them. Please remember you must tell us if you’re going to be away longer than the agreed period.

Keep your belongings safe while you’re on the go

You’ve taken steps to protect your home while you’re away, but what about your belongings? Be better prepared with our tips.

Do your research

Look up the area and learn about any common tourist scams. That way, you could lower your risk of falling for one.

Lock away your things

Thieves will often go for the easiest target, so using a padlock could be a great deterrent.

Make the most of the safe

Hotels will usually have a safe in the room for you to put your valuables in, including your passport and any important documents. If they don't, ask hotel security to keep them safe for you.

Divide your valuables

Split money and other items between your family. That way, if something does get stolen, you won’t have lost everything. Travelling alone? Keep your stuff in various places, such as multiple pockets and your bag.

Always keep an eye on your stuff

When you're at the pool or beach, don’t leave your valuables unattended if you fancy going for a quick dip in the water. If someone can’t keep an eye on them for you, put them in a safety deposit box, or leave them with hotel security.

Make copies of anything important

Whether it’s holiday snaps or important documents, back up anything you’d rather not lose.  

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To get an update on an existing claim or to make a claim for a legal problem, please contact us.

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Home Emergency customers

If you need help right now, please call our Home Emergency helpline within 48 hours of discovering your emergency.

Your claim may be declined if your emergency is not reported within this time.

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  • your policy number
  • a summary of your excess
  • what cover you have
  • how much you're currently paying
  • when and how your policy is set to renew.
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See our frequently asked home insurance questions.

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